WARNING : A new site impersonating Sidra was born: https://sidrachain-exchange.com/ (not logged in, I haven't verified.) Please pay attention not to click on any strange links other than the following two pages: www.minesidra.com www.sidrachain.com Remember the following to avoid losing Sidra: 1. Besides the two links above, do not click on any other links. Pay close attention to the domain name, for example, criminals will use the domain name www.minesidra.net (different from the original .com) to trick people into clicking on it. 2. If you click on it and feel that the website is strange and different from what you normally use => Please note immediately that you do not log in to your account. 3. If you still want to try, enter your username and password. If it allows you to log in, it's 100% fake. In short, remember carefully the above two domain names of Sidra. And note that Sidra does NOT give anything other than 2 coins a day, don't let greed ruin your efforts. Billing of the fake website domain name is from the Netherlands (NL), not Qatar: https://who.is/whois/sidrachain-exchange.com
