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What Does it Mean to Love Unconditionally?
With Unconditional Love Duality Dissolves
Into Oneness.
Unconditional Love , is the Key Code for the New Golden Age. The more we anchor this in, the more we assist the whole of humanity to raise their vibrational frequencies and we assist the
children too.
I am learning more to keep my heart open, no matter what and I make it my daily prayer.

I am understanding that Unconditional Love is the greatest of all Power there is.
When we are Unconditionally Loving , we radiate total non-judgement and acceptance: - it melts all barriers and self-doubts in the person to whom we are sending this energy.
We can amplify it by invoking the Highest Golden Christed Energy to permeate our whole bodies and being.

The Highest Christed Light vibrates to the frequency of unconditional love.
This enables them to see and feel everything from a higher perspective and opens their heart centre and unlocks their gates to abundance consciousness.

Consequently, they become more loving, relaxed, open, generous and giving.
When we carry pure unconditional love, steeped with the higher Christed Light within us, we touch people profoundly in ways we may not even be conscious of.

I am experiencing this Unconditional Love more and more, and all I can say is that it truly opens the soul to a higher degree and raises the consciousness levels immensely.
“No matter what you have done – or not done, IYou are worthy of Love.”

As long as our hearts are closed – fears rule us and unforgiveness.
The minute the heart opens up, and we allow ourselves to see with the eyes of pure love, everything else evaporates, for pure love is
totally unconditional.

"Today I am grateful for love."

Pay attention to all the signs of love today,
you will find love in nature, in people, in yourself...

Love is everywhere, surrounding you, always,
even when you don't feel it or think it is there,
it is...

Love is the energy of the Universe - when you
connect to love, when you celebrate love, when
you are grateful for love - you connect directly to
the heart of the Universe and raise your vibration
to a miraculous level.

"Today I am grateful for love!"
Our task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Love is the Pure Essence of our very being.
It is the breath of life. It is what binds us together.
To love is to survive, to create and to hold one another on the Golden Arms of Peace.
It is our greatest ability, our greatest gift and is that which will never escape us as the Powerful Spirits that we are....

Creator and Author ✍️
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..
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