Share a little for everyone to learn: (KWD) Kuwait (BHR )Bahrain (OMR)Oman (JOD) JODAN (GBP)British Pound. These are the 5 most valuable currencies in the world. Up to 4 out of 5 currencies belong to the Middle East. Through this we can see how much influence the Middle East region has on the rest of the world. Qatar's economy is one of the richest economies in the world in terms of GDP per capita. And currently the Sidra Bank project has its registered office in Doha, Qatar. Crude oil and natural gas are considered the mainstays Qatar's economy accounts for more than 70% of total government revenue, more than 60% of gross domestic product and nearly 85% of revenue comes from exports. Qatar has the world's third largest natural gas reserves and is the world's second largest natural gas exporter. Suppose the Sidra Bank project goes into operation and hands over the Management Rights to the Qatar Government, and all energy within the territory of Qatar and beyond the Middle East region is forced to trade with Sidra Coin Cryptocurrency ( Symbol SC) replaces Dollar (De-Dollarization). So everyone imagine what the price of SC will be like? That's enough to understand... For those who still doubt and say Sidra Coin has no value. ??????
