Let's make the broke welthy

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Let's make the broke welthy

I want to help the normal hard working man or women that's just been struggling if we can get every person to donate 1$ once or twice a week and if we can get 1000000 people to do that it adds up quick and if some can afford a few bucks more sweet. Once we get the funding I will start giving it away to the ones that joined intill every one has starting off 50,000$ to get ahead the ones struggling the worse and if they barely got a roof over there head will change that get them into a home it wont be a mansion but something that is good and that way we get people on there feet into a car and the rest whatever you please.
So the more that join the better and faster we can start this mission and let's help each other with 1$ a day so hopefully we can get 1or10 a day will be doing better the more we can raise and bringing in as many people possible hopefully we the PI community can get together and raise out of the struggle one person at a time intill we all have received a share and then we will go round 2.
Just imagine what we can achieve if we would all stick together and try to make our lives easier and stop the daily struggle a 1$ a day or whatever you can spare and we will achieve greatness please everyone tell your family your friends everyone in the PI community and recruit anyone struggling for a better life and once people see that it can be done it will pick up speed and we will be able to help so many struggling families get a stable home transportation or for emergency.
I think we can make this possible and it might sound like a long shot but run the numbers if we can get 1,000,000 people to do a dollar a day what that would add up too and if some can afford a lil more sweet let's please get together and make it a reality

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