

$31.4 (USD)
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Published By ximiemie Zha
  •  Location青海省海东市
  •  StatusIn stock
  •  TypeNew


Beautiful and rich snow plateau Zeku is rich in ghee ??? butter “Golden yellow fairy liquid, is the world's only one of the most ecbolic substances While ghee ignites and promotes the "fire of digestion," which is the basis of all nutrition, and while it does not deteriorate the Pitta, the "fire" energy that runs through the body, ghee cools the body, perfect for the modern, restless world.
Ghee has been used in Indian recipes for centuries, and in the holistic medicine of Ayurveda as a cure for all ailments. The purified oil is said to have healing properties called rasayana, which can prolong life. According to The Good News Collection by Usruta Samhita, ghee is good for the whole body.
美丽富饶的雪域高原泽库盛产酥油???酥油“金黄色的仙液,是世界上独一的最催生活力素的物质 --Maya Tiwari,酥油可以在点燃并促进,作为全部营养基础的“消化之火”的同时,它不会恶化Pitta,它在身体中运行的“火”之能量,酥油可以冷却身体,非常适合现代这个躁动的世界。
 数个世纪以来,人们一直都在印度菜肴食谱加入酥油中,阿育吠陀的整体医学中更是把酥油当治疗百病之宝,提纯过的油脂据说具有一种被称为赋活(Rasayana)的治疗特性,可使人延年益寿。被记载Susruta Samhita《妙闻本集》中,本集中说酥油对全身都有好处。

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