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拿督蘇迪曼(馬來語:Sudirman Haji Arshad,1954年5月25日—1992年2月22日),馬來西亞歌手、天王巨星,同時也是一位兒童書作家、漫畫家、電視節目主持人。1976年8月參加了國營電視台之星歌唱比賽獲獎後開始出道。他在1989年英國亞洲音樂節的頒獎禮上擊敗香港歌手張國榮及台灣的齊秦,拿下亞洲區最佳演繹歌手獎。

Datuk Sudirman (Malay: Sudirman Haji Arshad, May 25, 1954 - February 22, 1992), a Malaysian singer, superstar, children's book author, cartoonist, and TV host . He debuted in August 1976 after participating in the state-run TV station's Star Singing Competition and winning the prize. He defeated Hong Kong singer Leslie Cheung and Taiwan's Qi Qin at the awards ceremony of the British Asian Music Festival in 1989 and won the award for Best Performing Singer in Asia.